
miscellaneous costs. They do not begin to pay me for my time and effort. I'm going to be frank and honest enough with my readers to say that I think I have worked hard enough and long enough and done enough for all of you to merit your continued financial sup- port so that I can go out and find the thousands of sisters as yet undiscovered. I can't do it entirely on love. Many of you are quite active in FPE or in your own little groups of whom you have met through the activities of Chevalier Publications. Yet you do not continue to support activities which gave you this freedom. Is this fair? Isn't it a kind of free loading? I don't like to sound like I was cadging drinks but I face some real financial decisions. The gross sales of Chevalier dropped $7000 between 1961 and 1964. This is largely due to the fact that I can't find new readers as fast as old ones drop away as they do for various reasons, from death to disinterest. Moreover finding new ones means advertising and this in turn costs money, so it's a vicious circle.

I'm not asking for any pity, sympathy or charity just support and appreciation of our activities. I think value is offered for value received don't you? How about it. Those of you reading this are still subscrib- ing, so this is a rather premature statement, but some of you are sharing and most of you know others who have dropped by the wayside. Howabout giving me a hand up by pointing out the situation to those who have kind of let their support slip a bit...?

Moreover, if you have become acquainted with any TVs from "outside" please acquaint them with TVia and urge them to subscribe. If I cannot build the sub- scription list back up to warrant printing as many as I do I will have to reduce the press run with resul- tant increase in costs. I am reluctant to do this but I can't afford the continually rising inventory investment. Your understanding is appreciated.